• 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊

J4 ›› 2006, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (8): 92-94.

• 论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


阎毓杰 王殊   

  • 出版日期:2006-08-01 发布日期:2010-05-20

  • Online:2006-08-01 Published:2010-05-20


无线传感器网络作为探测、收集环境信息的手段,将其融入到开放的网格计算环境中,具有很强的现实意义和应用前景,也面临着许多前所未有的挑战。本文分析了能够支撑 起无线传感器网络和网格之间通信机制的接入平台的关键构成要素,设计并实现了一种能够将无线传感器网络融入网格系统的接入平台MPAS,它最大的特色在于以Web服务资
  源框架为核心,具有驱动传感器网络的能力,而且支持多传感器网络之间的通信协作。仿真测试的结果表明,影响MPAS性能的关键因素在于其通知机制受到可分配的运行资源 源限制,而在保证拥有充足运行资源的情况下,MPAS能够更好地支撑起多传感器网络与网格之间的通信能力。

关键词: 网格 传感器网络 接入平台 Web服务资源框架


It is significant to integrate wireless sensor networks,which act as the means to explore and collect environmental information, with open grid comput  ing systems. The combination poses many challenges. This paper analyzes the key requisites of the connection platform which integrates wireless sensor n etworks with the grid. We also design and develop such a connection platform named MPAS. The advantage of MPAS is that it integrates multiple sensor net  works with the grid by utilizing the Web Services resource framework, with the ability to actuate sensor networks and harmonize multiple sensor networks   . The simulation results show that the key factor which affects the MPAS performance is that its notification mechanism is restricted by distributable o perational resources and MPAS supports the communications between multiple sensor networks and the grid well if it is supplied with abundant operational   resources.

Key words: (grid, sensor network, connecting platform, WSRF)