J4 ›› 2006, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (11): 24-26.
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李东升 王意洁 江雪阳 郑静
数据定位是松散式P2P系统面临的挑战性难题。本文提出了一种新的数据定位方法——紧缩状态表方法(CSTM)。在CSTM中,每个结点上维护一个状态表,保存了丁跳(Hop)内全部邻居上数据的关键字信息,各个结点按照状态表来转发数据定位消息。CSTM方法采用Bloom Filter技术来压缩表示状态表,采用查询Cache建立与最近访问的结点之间的快捷连接。模拟结果表明,与广播泛洪和二路随机转发方法相比,CSTM方法大大减低了P2P网络中数据定位的消息开销,并能够获得较短的查询路径长度。
关键词: P2P系统 数据定位 查询Cache
Recently unstructured P2P systems have been deployed widely on the Internet. However, current search techniques used in the existing Gnutella-like pee r-to-peer systems are often very inefficient. In this paper we propose the CSTM mechanism to improve the performance and scalability of such systems. In CSTM, each peer maintains a local state table containing the keyword information of data on all neighbors within T hops to guide query, and new peers j query locality and build shortcut connecti ons to lately accessed peers. Simulations show that CSTM can reduce message cost one order of magnitude remarkably while maintaining short search path l engths compared with flooding or random forwarding algorithms.
Key words: peer-to-peer system, search, query cache
李东升 王意洁 江雪阳 郑静. 基于紧缩状态表的高效数据定位方法[J]. J4, 2006, 28(11): 24-26.
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