• 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊

J4 ›› 2007, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 1-3.

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姚寒冰[1] 胡和平[2] 李瑞轩[2]   

  • 出版日期:2007-05-01 发布日期:2010-06-02

  • Online:2007-05-01 Published:2010-06-02


现有的访问控制技术主要依靠主体的标识来实现对系统资源的保护,在权限的控制时没有考虑执行的上下文环境。随着网络和分布式计算的发展,应用环境具有分布、异构、  动态的特点,需要考虑主体所处上下文进行动态的权限控制。本文提出了一个上下文感知的访问控制模型(DCAAC),DCAAC扩展了RBAC模型,增加了上下文约束。DCAAC从应   用环境中获取与安全相关的上下文信息来动态地改变用户的权限,同时保留了传统RBAC模型的优点。这一访问控制模型已在网格计算实验平台中实施。

关键词: 访问控制 上下文 角色 移动代理


Despite the recent development in access control approaches, amongst them are the lack of context-aware models for access control, and the reliance on  identity or capability-based access control schemes. With the development of networking and distributed computing, dynamic authorization through the se curity context must be enforced to cope with the distributed, heterogeneous and dynamic nature of these environments. In this paper, we present an acces s control scheme that can resolve these issues, and propose a dynamic context-aware access control model (DCAAC) which extends RBAC with context const  traints. The DCAAC dynamically grants and adapts permissions to users based on a set of contextual information collected from the system and users' env  vironments, while retaining the advantages of the RBAC model. A DCAAC model is implemented in our grid computing experiment.

Key words: (access control, context, role, mobile agent)