• 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊

J4 ›› 2007, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 18-20.

• 论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


李强 张新荣   

  • 出版日期:2007-06-01 发布日期:2010-06-03

  • Online:2007-06-01 Published:2010-06-03


基于因特网的以UDP为传输协议的实时多媒体数据传输需要在保证实时性和可靠性的基础上,能够与因特网其他服务所使用的TCP协议公平共享有限的带宽。本文采用基于实时传输协议(RTP)和实时传输控制协议(RTCP)的反馈拥塞控制算法,提出一种简单的拥塞控制机制,使UDP数据流能与TCP数据流和平共处;研究了基于速率控制的TCP友好拥塞控制策略—TFRC,分析了其基本机制和关键问题;提出利用延迟抖动作为潜在拥塞信号来改进TFRC的速率控制机制,以适应实时业务低抖动的要求,并通过NS仿真验证了改进的TF RC算法对实时业务的良好性能。

关键词: 多媒体数据传输 公平 反馈拥塞控制算法


Real-time multimedia data transmission through the Internet is based on UDP. The transmission must be realtime and reliable. It also should be fair wi th the domain protocol TCP used by other services over the lnternet while sharing the limited bandwidth with TCP. Since packet loss and delay are usuall y caused by network congestion, we present a feedback congestion control scheme based on the real-time transport protocol (RTP) and the real-time tran  nsport control protocol (RTCP), which can satisfy the real-time delivery system with loss and delay requirements. The paper discusses a rate-based TCP  P-friendly congcstion control mechanism named TFRC, studies its basic structure and some key details. In order to improve its performance of low jitter   for real-time applications, we provide a new algorithm of TFRC by using the jitter as a warning congestion signal. NS simulation verifies the new algori thm.

Key words: multimedia data transmission, fairness, feedback congestion control scheme