• 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊


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  1. (北京林业大学信息学院,北京100083)
  • 收稿日期:2015-09-14 修回日期:2015-12-30 出版日期:2017-03-25 发布日期:2017-03-25
  • 基金资助:


A WSN security situational awareness
model based on set pair analysis

ZHANG Shao-shuai,YUAN Jin-sheng   

  1. (School of Information Science & Technology,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China)
  • Received:2015-09-14 Revised:2015-12-30 Online:2017-03-25 Published:2017-03-25


为提高无线传感器网络安全评估准确性、灵敏性,将安全态势感知的概念引入无线传感器网络安全研究,采用集对分析理论对无线传感器网络安全态势进行评估,用安全态势值判断无线传感器网络受到安全威胁的强弱。实验中使用KDD Cup 1999数据集模拟无线传感器网络攻击,通过改变网络中受攻击节点数量模拟不同强度的网络攻击,并在11种不同的攻击强度下分析安全态势值变化情况。实验结果表明,该模型可以提高无线传感器网络安全评估的准确性,与传统基于安全熵法的评估模型相比,本文提出的方法对中低强度的攻击灵敏度更高,攻击效果区分更加明显,并可根据安全态势值对网络安全态势进行分级。

关键词: 集对分析, 安全态势感知, 联系数, 无线传感器网络


To improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the security evaluation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), we introduce the concept of security situational awareness. We adopt the theory of set pair analysis to evaluate the security situation of WSNs, and the value of security situation is then applied to assess the threats this network has encountered. In the experiment, we use the KDD Cup 1999 data set to simulate wireless network running situation, and analyze the changes in the value of security situation in 11 network attacks which are simulated by changing the quantity of attacked nodes in the network under different intensities. Experimental results prove that the proposed model can improve the accuracy of network security assessment, and divide the network security situation into three levels. It is more sensitive than the security entropy based models in detecting medium and low intensity attacks.



Key words: set pair analysis, security situational awareness, connection number, wireless sensor network