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Computer Engineering & Science

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A regret greedy algorithm for the interference
minimization  problem in wireless sensor networks

SUN Pei-xin   

  1. (School of Computer Science,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China)
  • Received:2017-07-01 Revised:2017-09-03 Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-25


The wireless sensor network is one of the active research areas in current information field. However, wireless sensors carry limited energy, which limits its service life. One way of reducing the energy consumption of a node is to reduce the interference caused by the simultaneous transmission of the signals from its neighboring nodes. The topology control technology can adjust every node transmission radius to reduce interference while maintaining network connectivity. Under the receiver centric interference model, solving the interference minimization problem based on the topology control technique in wireless sensor networks is NP-hard. The existing greedy algorithms, which are based on some greedy criterions to determine the transmission radius of each node successively, are fast but their accuracy needs to be improved. We explore some strategies to enhance the accuracy of the best greedy algorithm available in the literature, which allows partial regret, that is, whenever the maximum interference of the current network increases in one greedy iteration step, through two regret strategies we attempt to re-adjust the transmission radii of some nodes in order to reduce the maximum interference in the current network. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the existing greedy algorithm is improved within a slightly increasing time for our randomly generated instances.

Key words: wireless sensor network, interference minimization, topology control, greedy algorithm, regret strategy