• 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊


  •                                                                                        Instruction for Authors

    ·         1. Call for Papers
    This journal publishes innovative, high-level, and important original research academic papers, as well as literature reviews and informative articles that reflect the latest development of the discipline. Contributions should be fluent and well organized with clear viewpoints, sufficient arguments, and reliable data.

    ·        2.  Contribution requirements and precautions

    ·         (1) The title, author names (generally no more than 3 people), the authors' affiliated units and locations, postal code, abstract, and keywords must be written in both Chinese and English. If the manuscript is funded by relevant research funds or projects, it is necessary to provide their titles and item numbers. The following information should also be provided: name, gender, ethnicity (Han nationality does not need writing), year of birth, professional title, diploma of all authors, and the name, professional title, telephone number, and e-mail of the contact person.

    ·        (2) The title of the manuscript should be concise and accurate, and acronyms should not be used; the abstract (in Chinese) should generally be between 200 and 300 words, and the content should include research purpose, methods and results. The English abstract should be around 300 to 400 words, which briefly introduces the background, content, and results of the research. Keywords should be 3~8. The text should not be less than 6 pages,and more than 10 pages.
       (3) The use of quantities, units and symbols in the text should comply with international standards and national standards. Pay attention to the correct writing of the type, capitalization, normal/italics, and upper/lower corners of foreign letters that are easy to be confused. Foreign names and terms in the text should be addressed in English instead of Chinese translation.
       (4) Figures, tables, and formulas should be numbered separately throughout the text, and the titles of figures and tables should be written in both Chinese and English. The form should be in the form of a three-line table, and the content should be expressed in English.
       (5) The specific format of the manuscript: the main text should be written in No. 5 Times New Roman, divided into columns (for details, please refer to the 2020 version sample at the download center of the homepage)
    3.    Contribution agreement

    (1)    (1) The authors should affirm that the manuscript has not been published in any official journals in any languages. This journal firmly opposes multiple submissions for one manuscript, multiple submissions for repeated content, and multiple submissions in different languages. Once any of the above situations is discovered, the manuscript will be rejected, and the affiliated unit of the author and relevant journals will be notified. Any manuscripts of the first author will never be accepted in the future.

      (2)  The authors will be notified of the review results of the manuscript within three months, during which time the authors must not submit the manuscript elsewhere. Some manuscripts may take a long time to submit for review. If the author decides to switch to another journal or retract the manuscript, please notify the editorial department in advance. After the editorial department will notify the author once they accept the manuscript.
      (3) Academic research must be authentic, and submissions must be legal, that is, there is no bad behavior such as plagiarism and infringement. If the above-mentioned bad behaviors are found, the journal will inform the top leadership of the author's affiliated unit according to the facts, and will no longer accept submissions from the first author. The author is solely responsible for the article, and this journal does not bear joint liability.
      (4) The article takes all its responsibilities, and the editorial department has the right to make technical and literal modification to the manuscript, and can make substantive changes after obtaining the consent of the author.
      (5) Once the paper is published, the copyright belongs to the editorial department (including the copyright on the Internet)
    4.   Manuscript process
    (1) Submission: For remote submission via the Internet, please log in to the journal's website; and you will get an email receipt after successful submission
    (2) Receipt: Editors receive manuscript, assign manuscript numbers, and send the manuscript number information by email.
    (3) Preliminary review: editors will conduct the first review, and then send it for external review; otherwise, the manuscript will be rejected
    (4) External review: sending 2 experts for external review
    (5) Final review: final review by the editor-in-chief, who will give the final result combined with external review comments: accept, re-review after modification, and reject
    (6) Editing: edit, process and publish accepted manuscripts

    Those who want to know more about submission matters can consult the editorial department.

  • 2020-06-30 Visited: 56273