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  • 中国科技核心期刊
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Computer Engineering & Science

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Design of ground testing system and data preprocessing
software for space-bornesearch coil magnetometer

CHEN Yu,WANG Miao,REN Haiyan,ZENG Li   

  1. (School of Space and Environment,Beihang University,Beijing 102206,China)
  • Received:2016-03-08 Revised:2016-08-31 Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-09-25


Space-borne search Coil Magnetometer(SCM)is able to detect space low frequency alternating magnetic field.Ground testing system and data preprocessing are important tools for design and development.Firstly,the working principle, data product and research significance of SCM are introduced. Secondly, aground testing system is designed based on theexternal interface of the payload, which implements the communication function between the payload and the computer.By using Visual C++ to call Matlab, a data preprocessing software for SCM is designed, with realtime scientific display function. The system can not only completely receive scientific data but also display the waveforms of different directions and frequency bands in dynamic refresh mode. The method is simple in programming and has comprehensive integrated functions. It has undergone multi-stage satellite testing and experiments. The software running results indicate that the system can monitor and control the working status of the payload in real-time. It has the characteristics of easy maintenance and expandability, and provides test conditions for the development and application of the onboard instrument in the follow-up stage.

Key words: inductive magnetometer, data preprocessing, ground testing system, Visual C++, Matlab