  • 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊

Current Issue

    • 论文
      A Efficient Geographical Routing Algorithm for Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks
      LIU Liangjiao1,LI Renfa1,LI Zhetao1,2,YUE Guangxue1,3
      2010, 32(12): 1-4. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 453 )   PDF (610KB) ( 600 )     

      An efficient geographical routing algorithm,called AOGR(Asymptotically Optimal Geographical Routing),has been proposed for multimedia wireless sensor networks. The existing geographical routing protocols aim at optimizing the single packet routing performance,while the new algorithm reduces the average hops of all the packets in a session. In AOGR,the reference of the delivered packets to subsequent packets in the routing will be exploited. With the increase of the routed packets,AOGR converges to the shortest path asymptotically. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can mitigate inefficient detours on the routes obtained by GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) in its perimeter mode and reduce the average hops.

      Monitoring and Analysis of the Stream Media Application Performance for End Users
      ZHANG Mei1,2,ZENG Bin1,LI Wenwei2,ZHANG Dafang2
      2010, 32(12): 5-7. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 448 )   PDF (557KB) ( 466 )     

      Most of the tools for measuring streaming media applications are designed for

      pressure test,which can not reflect the actual performance at end users. During the

      development of the streaming media,the streaming media performance monitoring is very

      important. From the perspective of end users,we propose several metrics reflecting the

      performance of the streaming media applications,and accomplish a measurement method,which is

      based on active business stimulations. A simulative experiment is designed for analyzing the

      influence on the streaming media performance caused by bandwidth,frame rate,packet loss and

      delay. According to the experimental data,our work can accomplish the dynamic control of

      quality and provide a basis for optimizing the streaming media business system.

      A Hybrid Spray and Wait Routing Scheme in Delay Tolerent Based on Energy Considerations
      WANG Guizhu,LU Huating,XU Liang
      2010, 32(12): 8-11. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 509 )   PDF (539KB) ( 433 )     

      Delay Tolerant Networks is an emerging research field. In this kind of networks,the

      connections between nodes are frequently interrupted,and it is difficult to predict them. At

      present,a common strategy is to use multiplecopy routing for message delivery.

      However,considering the characteristic that the majority of nodes’ energy supplies are

      limited,a large number of additional copies transmission will make some nodes’ energy

      consumption larger,making the nodes stop working faster,eventually leading to the rapid

      decline of the routing performances. With different energy supplies on each node in the

      networks,a hybrid spray and wait routing algorithm,which is ameliorated by the spray and

      wait routing algorithm,is put forward in this paper . The simulation indicates that this

      routing algorithm has better performances on the delivery probability and the average delay

      by increasing the cost of energy consumption differently at every node.

      Research and Implementation of the Application Server Based on IPv6
      WANG Yonglin
      2010, 32(12): 12-14. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 437 )   PDF (608KB) ( 407 )     

      It is well known that IPv4 will eventually be replaced by IPv6. However,the current development of network applications based on IPv6 is still in the initial stage. The paper analyzes the support of FTP for IPv6,and proposes a solution for the FTP server based on IPv6 in Linux. The FTP server is tested in real networks and the working process is analyzed with the Sniffer software. The result shows that the proposed FTP server fully supports IPv6,and the basic functions such as login,authentication of passwords,sending of file lists,downloading,uploading and deleting of files are implemented.

      Design and Implementation of the Sniffer Prototype Based on the MAC Spoofing
      CHEN Xinnan1,Hu Huaping1,2,YUE Hong2
      2010, 32(12): 15-18. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 511 )   PDF (618KB) ( 407 )     

      In the switchbased LAN environment,the means of defending the ARP spoofing is maturing,leading to the sniffer based on the ARP spoofing is vulnerable to being intercepted and killed by security software,so it lacks sniffing effect. In this paper,one nonARP spoofing,which is called MAC spoofing,is proposed,and a LAN sniffer prototype based on the MAC spoofing is also designed and implemented. Compared with the  traditional ARP spoofing,the MAC spoofing can bypass a variety of ARP spoofing defense tools and succeed to intercept the network data,as well as carrying on the Denial of Service attacks. Through the use of a timealternate mechanism,a filtering mechanism and other key technologies,the efficiency and accuracy of the sniffer can be highly improved. The testing result shows that the sniffer may be better to break through the interception and killing of security software,and achieve the effect of sniffing.

      An Optimal Security Strategy Generation Method for Embedded RealTime Systems
      CAO Xiaofeng1,YANG Wenqiang2
      2010, 32(12): 19-21. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 477 )   PDF (531KB) ( 473 )     

      Due to system resources and realtime constraints,the security design methods for general computing systems are not fit for the realtime embedded systems,so,it is necessary to study the special design method. To obtain the optimal security of embedded systems under realtime constraints,a complete set of security design methods which include the securityrelated task graph model and the security evaluation model are proposed in this paper. Based on these,an ILP based optimal security strategy generation method named ILPOS is also proposed. This method can select security algorithms and detect the realtime schedulability simultaneously. That is more efficient than the phased coupled optimization methods,therefore,it can make full use of the system time for security extension. The experimental results show that ILPOS can improve the system security efficiently under various time constraints compared with the traditional heuristic algorithms.

      Research on the Intrusion Detection Based on Plan Recognition
      CAI Zengyu1,GU Wenxiang2,GAN Yong1,LIU Shuru1
      2010, 32(12): 22-26. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.1
      Abstract ( 488 )   PDF (436KB) ( 568 )     

      Plan recognition is one of the important branches of artificial intelligence,and it has been preliminarily applied in intrusion detection systems(IDSs). The fundamental conception of plan recognition and IDS are introduced firstly. And then it studies on the applications and progresses of plan recognition in IDS according to the classification of plan recognizing methods,such as plan recognition based on event,plan recognition based on the Bayesian network,plan recognition based on the extended goal graph,colored petri net,adversarial planning and action state diagram. Subsequently,the common characteristics of plan recognition and IDS are thorough analyzed. Finally,the development trends and the existing problems of this domain are discussed. This review deals with the key technology and the existing problems of plan recognition implicating in IDS,which is very helpful for the related personnel research in the logistics fields.

      The Realization of Evaluation for Network Intrusion Based on Cloud Theory
      WAN Biao
      2010, 32(12): 27-29. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 464 )   PDF (410KB) ( 548 )     

      Network intrusion has the features of randomness and uncertainty, cloud theory

      integrates the fuzziness and randomness perfectly. An evaluation model for network risk is

      proposed based on the cloud theory. The model monitors the system resources and processes

      the achieved data, then the data is input into the cloud controls, the evaluation result is

      achieved finally. The experimental results show that the methods can evaluate the network

      risk efficiently. It holds the uncertainty of evaluation process and improves the

      reliability of the result.

      On the PortalBased Uniform Identity Authentication and System Integration
      HU Jianpeng
      2010, 32(12): 30-33. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 551 )   PDF (572KB) ( 590 )     

      Portal technology has been widely applied in the digital campus construction,and

      unified authentication and application system integration is one of the core technologies.

      Single signon is a method to achieve a unified portal authentication. An approach is

      proposed which uses cookie tokens,access permissions and control procedures to achieve cross

      domain access,and uses the LDAP database to complete the user's login,authentication and

      rights management. According to different types of network applications in the campus,four

      kinds of integration methods to meet different needs are also introduced.

      An Efficient Search Strategy for Image Matching Based on Quantum Genetic Algorithms
      GAO Yinghui,WANG Ping,WANG Peng
      2010, 32(12): 34-38. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 569 )   PDF (537KB) ( 412 )     

      When the source image scale is large enough,the search time will be excessively

      long if the entire space searching on the source image is carried on. In order to decrease

      the search time and  increase the realtime matching capability,a target elimination search

      strategy (TESS) is proposed based on the source image division and the basic principle of

      QGA. Through changing the random searching process in the entire space to the parallel

      searching in each subspace and the subspaces gradually,TESS combines the matching region

      roughestimating with the optimal matching point finesearching effectively,so the search

      time  decreases enormously. The experimental results indicate that TESS makes the matching

      efficiency is improved enormously and  the time speedup increases with the  source image

      scale increase.

      Visual Emotion Analysis and Recognition Based on Manifold Features
      LI Qing1,JIANG Dongmei1,FAN Ping2,Ravyse Ilse2,Sahli Hichem2
      2010, 32(12): 39-41. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 443 )   PDF (677KB) ( 597 )     

      This paper studies the Isomapbased nonlinear dimensionality reduction and
      visualization method,applies it to the feature reduction of facial animation parameters of
      emotional facial image sequences,and analyzes the relationship between the reduced
      dimension space and the cognitive psychological emotion space.The experimental results show
      that the coordinate of the manifold feature in the reduceddimension space shows the
      emotion intensity of the corresponding image frame,and the intensity curve of an emotional
      facial sequence from Isomap is more reasonable and smooth than that from PCA. The visual
      emotion recognition results also show that the mainfold features from Isomap have better
      performance than the original features and the manifold features from PCA.Moreover,the
      recognition rates are more balanced between different emotions.

      A Fast  License Plate Location and Extraction Algorithm
      LI Yucheng,WANG Mushu
      2010, 32(12): 42-45. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 408 )   PDF (607KB) ( 941 )     

      For the limitation of the current license plate location algorithms,the paper
      presents an algorithm of license plate location based on the image 2D area energy and its
      practical formulas,and Introduces the algorithm of extraction and methods to verify the
      region of the license plate. It takes full advantage of the characteristics of the license
      plate,such as complicated textures,sharpcut contrast,and so on. It also has the advantages
      to avoid the difficulty to choose a threshold and the influence of color changes due to
      light.Many experiments demonstrate that the algorithm is of higher accuracy and of fast

      A Method of AntiDisturbance  by Ragged Clouds for Detecting Ships on  the Sea
      CHEN Hailiang,LEI Lin,ZHOU Shilin
      2010, 32(12): 46-49. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (738KB) ( 536 )     

      Focusing on the problem of ship detection in poor imaging conditions,which means
      here,being disturbed by lots of ragged clouds in optical images,a robust ship detection
      algorithm is proposed based on the characteristics of the background and the target itself.
      Firstly,it extracts ROI using two parameters and local CFAR. Then it extracts the wake
      information by the improved local Radon transform and a peak value extraction algorithm in
      succession.The experiments of satellite images show that this method can reduce false alarms
      caused by ragged clouds effectively .

      Research of a  Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Similarity
      ZHU Guiliang, SONG Ruifang,FAN Xuehui
      2010, 32(12): 50-52. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 461 )   PDF (507KB) ( 475 )     

      Because of the low accuracy and efficiency of the existing fingerprint matching
      algorithms,and the high complexity of them,fingerprint matching algorithm based on fuzzy
      closedegree is proposed here. It takes the turning point,bifurcation point,the number of
      ridge lines between two points in fingerprint images and so on as the feature of the
      object,computes the fuzzy closedegree,and compares the results and threshold V. Then we
      judge whether the fingerprint matches the template fingerprint. The results show that it
      improves the accuracy and efficiency of the fingerprint matching algorithm,and also lowers
      the complexity of the algorithm. It is slightly influenced by the factor of environment,such
      as the shift and rotation of the fingerprint. It provides a new method for improving the
      accuracy of fingerprint matching.

      Improvement of the Gray Image Maximum Entropy Segmentation Method
      ZHENG Liping1,LI Guangyao2,JIANG Hua1
      2010, 32(12): 53-56. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 513 )   PDF (635KB) ( 882 )     

      In the traditional maximum entropy threshold segmentation methods,the gray
      probability of image is used and the corresponding gray value is ignored. In order to
      adequately utilize the gray information and spatial information of the gray image,the
      traditional 2D gray histogram is improved and the 2D Dvalue attribute gray histogram is
      formed. Otherwise,the computation method for the average gray value and the 2D entropy is
      improved.We use the spatial information value as a substitute for the gray probability to
      compute the entropy.The computation of the entropy is based on the Dvalue attribute gray
      histogram and creates the spatial different attribute information value entropy(SDAIVE). In
      experiments,many different gray images are segmented with the improved maximum entropy
      method and the traditional maximum entropy method,and the segmentation results are
      compared.The experimental results show that improved threshold method can effectively
      segment gray images and noise images. This method has strong antinoise capability and
      clear segmentation results.

      A Method for Extracting the  Handwritten Chinese Strokes  Based on Shape Decomposition
      YUAN Yuan,LIU Wencai
      2010, 32(12): 57-60. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 406 )   PDF (587KB) ( 534 )     

      Stroke extraction is the preprocessing step of the writer identification which is
      aimed at distinguishing between different writers. This paper presents an algorithm for the
      handwritten character stroke extraction of writer identification. The corresponding
      relationship between the discontinuous points of contours and junction regions of strokes is
      defined. All junction regions and the junction types are determined by the detection of the
      convex and concave discontinuous points in the contours of character images,and the junction
      regions are decomposed as their junction types. Strokes are thinned by the method of the
      following contour,finally.The experimental results show that the proposed method is
      effective and accurate compared to the methods based on thinning and segmenting techniques.
      Therefore,the method for extracting the handwritten chinese strokes based on shape
      decomposition in this paper features high operational ability and is practical.

      Analysis and Extraction of  a Characteristic Radius of the Trajectory Charging in a Blast Furnace Charging Process
      LI Ying1,LIU Wanjun1,QU Haicheng2
      2010, 32(12): 61-64. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 344 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 315 )     

      As for the difficulty in analysing the trajectory charging of the current blast
      furnace,the pattern recognition technique is introduced and the mesurement method of the
      polar coordinate laser grid is proposed. To contrast the edge analysis of trajectory
      charging,we calculate the threshold value by linear probing. According to the image quality
      of trajectory charging in the difference spectrum,the characteristic radius is analysed and
      defined at the same time to different lengths of the characteristic radius for attaining
      accurate trajectory charging data information,the trajectory charging in polar coordinate is
      reconstructed,and the automatic control information of the blast furnace is obtanied.

      A Simplification Method for Cloud Points Based on Local Surface Fitting
      ZHANG Lianwei,LI Yan,LIU Xiaolin,SHI Meiping,HE Hangen
      2010, 32(12): 65-68. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 484 )   PDF (826KB) ( 586 )     

      With the improvement of the technology of data acquirement,the cloudpoint data
      is used more and more widely in 3D reconstruction. The huge data size becomes the
      bottleneck of reconstruction efficiency. The feature of models is blurred because of the
      calculation accuracy of the curvature used in the existing simplification methods. A
      quantitative definition of the surface feature is proposed based on qualitative analysis.
      The approximate surface near a sampled point is obtained by the local surface fitting
      method. Then the feature of the surface near the sampled point is described by the average
      of the normal curvature in 360 degree instead of the average curvature. A KD tree
      partitioning method is adopted to segment the cloud points according to the surface
      feature,the size of space area and the size of sampling nodes. Experiments show that this
      method preserves the geometry feature of the surface better. This result demonstrates the
      efficiency of the method.

      The Research Based on the Simplification of the Triangular Mesh Model
      YAN tao1,JIANG Xiaofeng2,WANG Yu1
      2010, 32(12): 69-72. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 406 )   PDF (947KB) ( 693 )     

      The triangular mesh model requires a lot of information to record points, the connection between the edge and face relations,and the complex  models  require a lot of storage space,and  the network transmission speed is slower. Triangular mesh model simplification is significant  for its storage,processing,transmission and realtime rendering. In this paper,on the basis of the relevant technical studies,a simplified algorithm based on triangle removal is designed. The algorithm first calculates the weight of the triangle,according to the weight difference  to remove the corresponding triangular mesh model  region,and then rebuilds the deleted  region by triangular mesh reconstruction. Finally,two examples discussed in the original mesh model and the simplified mesh model comparison show that the design of this mesh simplification algorithm  effectively implements the triangular mesh model simplification,maintains  the basic features of the original  triangular mesh model,increases  the simplification  efficiency,and achieves a satisfactory result.

      Application of Histogram Invariant Moments in Zero Digital Watermarking
      HE Bing,WANG Juxia
      2010, 32(12): 73-75. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007130X.2010.
      Abstract ( 530 )   PDF (560KB) ( 412 )     

      This paper proposes a zero digital watermarking image algorithm using histogram invariant moments to resist geometric attacks .The construction of the watermark system for the original image is achieved by analyzing the histogram and computing the histogram invariant moments.Watermark extraction is simple,and only a few histogram invariant moments need to be calculated.The experimental results are compared with the results of the method based on the geometric moments.The simulation experiments demonstrate the proposed method is robust to rotation,scaling geometric attacks as well as to filtering,JPEG compression .so the proposed method is a simple,useful and credible algorithm.