  • 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊

Current Issue

    • 论文
      Methods for  training innovative talents of computer science       
      YU Hewei1,MOU Yanhua2
      2014, 36(A2): 1-5. doi:
      Abstract ( 76 )   PDF (1238KB) ( 180 )     

      Training innovative talents is one of the primary tasks of higher education in contemporary era.It appears more important to train computer science innovative talents in today’s information age.The basic method is to set an innovative curricular system,make a specialized competition atmosphere,enhance and reform practice teaching.The research and practice by Computer Science School of SCUT shows that,it is successful to train computer science innovative talents using ways such as the combination of  ACM competition and teaching,and practice  reinforcement based on special curricular system.

      Application of multi-level teaching to the training of
      computer practical abilities in military colleges       
      HU Kun,CHEN Kai
      2014, 36(A2): 6-9. doi:
      Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (448KB) ( 219 )     

      With the problems in the training of computer practical abilities in military colleges under the background of the army informationization construction as a starting point,we study the application of multilevel teaching to the training of computer practical ability in military college.We analyze the objects,process and requirements of hierarchical teaching in computer education in military schools.First,we point out the problems in the training of computer practical ability in military colleges,then elaborate the meaning and contents of multilevel  teaching,then divide the trainees into different levels accordingly,and at last explain the detailed steps to carry out this method in military colleges.

      Lay the foundation of lifelong learning
      and cultivate creative talents         
      LIU Haibo1,2,SHEN Jing2,MENG Yulong2
      2014, 36(A2): 10-12. doi:
      Abstract ( 70 )   PDF (386KB) ( 180 )     

      Many previous research results show that practice is the way to cultivate innovation ability,but sustained innovation cannot be achieved without the ability of lifelong learning.This paper proposes a new mode to cultivate innovative talents,which includes to consolidate mathematical foundation,broaden international vision,and train inquiry spirit.The practice results show that the innovation ability of the students is enhanced significantly.

      Training of creative ability in computer network teaching
      HU Guyu
      2014, 36(A2): 13-15. doi:
      Abstract ( 82 )   PDF (338KB) ( 182 )     

      The teaching design and  practice in computer network teaching are introduced. We encourage teachers,together with their students, to think, discover,analyze and solve problems in class,rather than just standingby  instructors. Besides, students' involvement  in the whole procedure is very important for training their creative ability.

      Analysis and suggestions on the students’information
      literacy cultivation in military colleges           
      CUI Liangzhong,ZHANG Zhixiang,GUO Fuliang,LIANG Yingjie
      2014, 36(A2): 16-18. doi:
      Abstract ( 95 )   PDF (586KB) ( 203 )     

      As the informatization construction of troops further develops,military colleges students are the backbone for future military information construction.How well the students in military colleges are able to master and use informationization,is directly related to the effect of informatization construction of the army.This paper introduces the meaning and contents of information literacy,proposes specific methods and measures to cultivate the students’information literacy.      

      Deepening the teaching reform in basic computer courses to increase
      the information technique application ability to the NCO Students        
      MA Xinmin,SUN Jiajia
      2014, 36(A2): 19-21. doi:
      Abstract ( 86 )   PDF (400KB) ( 168 )     

      In order to improve practical teaching efficiency,we advocate deepening the reform in basic computer courses teaching by combining the teaching contents with specific projects, studentcentered learning,standardizing the evaluation of the students’information technique application capabilities,and enabling the teachers capable of both theory teaching and practical teaching,so as to improve the application capabilities of the higher vocational NCO students.

      Reflection on computer course teaching
      and information literacy training to the joint training students     
      LIU Zhuo,SHEN Haoqiang
      2014, 36(A2): 22-23. doi:
      Abstract ( 76 )   PDF (327KB) ( 161 )     

      Aiming at the problems that the joint training students are facing when they learn C4ISR related courses in professional education universities,we put forth some thoughts on enhancing the effect of computer course teaching and information literacy training for joint training students,which may help enhance the training effect for cultivating joint training talents.

      How to improve the sergeant students’ interests
      in Computer Application course         
      GUO Yanwei,SHANG Jing
      2014, 36(A2): 24-26. doi:
      Abstract ( 84 )   PDF (396KB) ( 137 )     

      Computer Application course is a basic course in officer schools,and computer skills are one of the most basic skills for students.We propose some methods to improve the students’interest in learning Computer Application course,which include an elaborate design of the leadin step,enrichment of classroom teaching methods,improvement in teaching language skills,and hierarchical design methods such as teaching target,elaborate organization skills and competition.      

      Training of sergeant students’selfexploration capabilities
      in basic computer courses           
      ZHANG Yong,TANG Haiping,GUAN Gang
      2014, 36(A2): 27-29. doi:
      Abstract ( 78 )   PDF (364KB) ( 165 )     

      Since the students’have a weak awareness of selfinquiry and lack of exploration ability in class,the paper takes basic computer courses as an example taking account of the characteristics of computer courses teaching,and proposes a new model which breaks the previous lecture mode and stimulates the students’interests in learning by a reform in teaching contents,teaching methods,assessment methods so as to train the students’learning initiative and selfexploration capabilities.

      Practice and thinking of developing the science and
      technology innovation ability of joint training cadets         
      WEN Ai,HU Guyu,CHEN Weiwei,LI Qing,BAO Aihua
      2014, 36(A2): 30-33. doi:
      Abstract ( 71 )   PDF (589KB) ( 147 )     

      Based on the characteristics of joint training cadets,we describe the instructors’practice and thinking of developing the scientific and technological innovation abilities for joint training cadets from three aspects,which are the role position between instructors and students,constructing good environment for science and technology innovation,and incremental training and promotion of continuous innovation.

      Pratical study on improving software
      requirement engineering courses          
      DONG Wei1,SHU Shaoxian1,XU Xiaoping2
      2014, 36(A2): 34-37. doi:
      Abstract ( 91 )   PDF (397KB) ( 190 )     

      As engineering has high demand for personnel who are of great capabilities,such as technical skills, effective communication,problem solving ability, and social knowledge,thus it is facing various challenges in national and military information construction.Based on the new improvements of specifications such as Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) and Software Engineering Education Knowledge (SEEK),we study how to improve the requirement of engineering courses to undergraduate and graduate students,propose a series of measures for improving the courses’knowledge organization,designing practice steps and course examinations,and finally discuss the implementation of these measures.

      Exploration on programming and
      algorithm course construction pattern     
      ZHANG Yuejie,ZHAO Yiming
      2014, 36(A2): 38-41. doi:
      Abstract ( 72 )   PDF (509KB) ( 228 )     

      Programming and algorithm courses are compulsory and comprehensive basic courses for computer science and technology majors.Therefore,their construction are very important,and the deeper exploration for more effective construction patterns of such courses is a very valuable work.This paper analyzes and discusses some new explorations about programming and algorithm course construction patterns from the following three perspectives:curriculum system architecture, global construction planning design,and local course content construction.Thus the understanding for the essence of such courses can be further promoted for students,and the overall teaching quality for such an important course group can be further improved.       

      Content system construction and practice of cloud computing courses   
      BAO Aihua,CHEN Weiwei,LIU Peng,WEN Ai,WANG Zhen
      2014, 36(A2): 42-45. doi:
      Abstract ( 76 )   PDF (1089KB) ( 261 )     

      The development and widespread applications of cloud computing technology have a huge impact on the information society.The talents are in great demand in today’s cloud computing industry,but the education for cloud computing professionals still lags behind.To address this issue,the content system of theoretical courses is systematically elaborated,then the idea,methodology and content construction of experimental courses are introduced in this paper.Besides,our teaching practice and experience are also described.

      Interdisciplinary classroom practice for computational thinking      
      XU Yingxiao1,LI Yan2
      2014, 36(A2): 46-48. doi:
      Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (509KB) ( 151 )     

      Several innovative ways to organize interdisciplinary classroom practice for computational thinking are discussed.In combination with general education courses, we design practices for students of different major backgrounds,through which they can obtain computational thinking abilities in the same way.Students can apply their specialized knowledge to practice and enlighten each other.

      Excellent-engineer-training-oriented course construction
      of the security of information system        
      CHEN Ping,YU Han,ZHAO Min
      2014, 36(A2): 49-51. doi:
      Abstract ( 95 )   PDF (450KB) ( 156 )     

      In order to meet the military’s demand for highlevel applied engineering talents in information security field,reference to the latest achievements in international engineering education CDIO,research and practice are carried out in the excellentengineer-training-oriented course construction of the Security of Information System  from the aspects of the construction of teaching contents,the innovation of practical teaching,the reform of teaching mode, the reform of examination system and so on.The results show that the reform has achieved initial success.

      Course design and linkage for undergraduate database courses         
      JI Yi,LIU Chunping,GONG Shengrong
      2014, 36(A2): 52-55. doi:
      Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (508KB) ( 203 )     

      Currently there are often several database courses as compulsory,optional or practical courses for undergraduate students.In this paper,we discuss about how to arrange and link the contents between different database courses.We also concentrate on the practical case of course design for school of computer science and technology in Soochow University.Course arrangement and construction are analyzed and some teaching experience is summarized.

      Embedded experimental study on
      innovative teaching modes     
      LI Jin,LIU Shu,LI Weiping
      2014, 36(A2): 56-60. doi:
      Abstract ( 72 )   PDF (428KB) ( 185 )     

      Based on the computer training for military professionals with specific needs,we elaborate the problems embedded computer experimental teaching model is facing,analyze the current status of the military academies and the experimental teaching deficiencies,and propose some reform measures and principles for embedded computer experiment teaching.Finally we attempt to throw some light on how to  develop innovative experimental teaching modes.Ke

      Fundamental lessons of computer organization principles
      ——some ideas on digital electronics teaching   
      WANG Xuehui,ZHANG Lei,LIU Yun,FANG Liang,LU Hongyi
      2014, 36(A2): 61-63. doi:
      Abstract ( 87 )   PDF (545KB) ( 162 )     

      We introduce some ideas for digital electronics teaching of fundamental lessons of computer organization principles mainly from three aspects : arouse the students’enthusiasm and initiative,consolidate experimental lessons and improve the experimental teaching quality, and put emphasis on the contents that are relevant to the followup computer organization principles courses.Practical teaching shows that the proposals achieve the teaching objectives and build a solid foundation for computer organization principles courses.

      Research on a heuristics teaching
      model based on online teaching cases   
      LUO Chen,LIU Yong,QUAN JIchuan,YANG Fei
      2014, 36(A2): 64-67. doi:
      Abstract ( 86 )   PDF (481KB) ( 201 )     

      In nowadays’s informational environment,online resources and services become much richer.It seems quite necessary to start on the teaching reform with the full help of the network.Through the analysis of the features of casebased teaching and online teaching cases,this paper proposes the design thinking and implementation approach of a heuristic teaching model based on the online teaching cases.In the end,with the application of the heuristic model in the Command Information System course,the problems and countermeasures emerged in the implementation process are illustrated.

      A novel teaching method——borrowlism  based on OS
      classical knowledge and its cutting edge development    
      LEI Yang1,KONG Weiwei2,YANG Xiaoyuan1,SU Yang1
      2014, 36(A2): 68-72. doi:
      Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (876KB) ( 146 )     

      As traditional teaching methods for computer operating system tend to be abstract and uninteresting, a novel teaching method——borrowlism based on OS classical knowledge and its cutting edge development is proposed.In the presented method, the classical knowledge,its cutting edge development and the basic knowledge are integrated.It offers the students a new studying circumstance which is full of information and networks, international and lifeoriented,arouses the students’studying enthusiasm and desire for knowledge,and improves their thinking and innovation capabilities.The proposed method meets the military information and network requirements,and well interprets  the mission statement of  military universities,which is to stick close to the needs of the armed forces and actual warfare.