As realtime applications have become a kind of important embedded applications,the realtime microprocessor architecture,the core component of realtime systems,attracts much more attention.Unlike generalpurpose processors,realtime processors require a tight and predictable worstcase execution time.To meet the requirement,traditional realtime processors often adopt a relatively simple structure so as to avoid uncertain execution time.To meet the increasing performance demand of realtime applications,realtime processors also gradually shift towards multithreading and multicore. In the multithreaded and multicore processors,there are a large number of shared resources leading to deterioration of deterministic realtime systems.In this paper we summarize the technologies of realtime processor architecture.We first analyze the traditional realtime processor architecture from the aspects of instruction set architecture, microarchitecture,memory,I/O,and realtime task scheduling.Then,we analyze the highperformance realtime processor architectures employing multithreaded and multicore structures.Finally,we compare two commercial realtime processors,and summarize the status and trends of realtime processors.