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  • 中国科技核心期刊
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Computer Engineering & Science

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A vehicle face detection algorithm
based on selective search

LI Xiying1,2,3,4,ZHOU Zhihao1,2,3,4,L Shuo1,2,3,4   

  1. (1.School of Intelligent Systems Engineering,Sun Yatsen University,Guangzhou 510006;
    2.Key Laboratory of Intelligent Transportation System of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou 510006;
    3.Key Laboratory of Video and Image Intelligent Analysis and Application Technology,
    Ministry of Public Security,People’s Republic of China,Guangzhou 510006;
    4.National Engineering Laboratory of Intelligent Video Analysis and Application,Beijing 100048,China)
  • Received:2017-06-14 Revised:2017-11-09 Online:2018-10-25 Published:2018-10-25


Vehicle face detection benefits a wide range of applications such as vehicle identification and semantic segmentation of the vehicle. Although great  dedication to this task, most existing researches focus on the detection and positioning of the entire area of the vehicle face. We propose a new vehicle face detection method based on selective search. The approach has two steps. Firstly, the vehicle image is denoised through Gaussian filter as the preprocess. Secondly, we use the image segmentation algorithm based on graph presentation to obtain the initial image segmentation regions from the preprocessed images. We calculate the similarity degree of adjacent regions in color, texture, size and coincidence degree, and then merge the initial split area with the one with the highest similarity. We conduct experiments on 4199 vehicle images of CompCars data set from the Chinese University of Hong Kong for vehicle front face detection test. The results demonstrate that the average coincidence degree of vehicle face is 73.74%, which is better than other object detection algorithms. In addition, the proposed method also has better generalization ability across data set without training.

Key words: vehicle face detection, selective search, merging strategy, semantic segmentation