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  • 中国科技核心期刊
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Computer Engineering & Science

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Oriental music visual education
based on knowledge graph

ZHAO Weiping1,SUN Ning2,YANG Xiaochun3,ZHENG Guozhen4   

  1. (1.Department of Music,Shanghai Conservatory of Music,Shanghai 200031;
    2.Shanghai Key Laboratory for Art of Musical Acoustics,Shanghai Conservatory of Music,Shanghai 200031;
    3.Shanghai AchieveFun Info Tech Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200001;
    4.Adamant Information Technology,Hong Kong 999077,China)
  • Received:2018-07-05 Revised:2018-09-16 Online:2018-11-26 Published:2018-11-25


Based on the current status and problems of contemporary oriental music and culture education, we analyze the basic concepts and design principles of visual education, introduce presentation forms and implementation methods of knowledge visualization, and explain the methods of constructing knowledge graph using data processing and natural language processing techniques. We propose a visual education approach using ancient scores and culture knowledge graph, and depict the typical cases of knowledge graph used in teaching. The results show that knowledge graph can provide feasible technical support for ancient music scores and ancient culture education through information and knowledge visualization methods.

Key words: knowledge visualization, knowledge graph, oriental music education, visualization education, natural language processing