• 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊

J4 ›› 2012, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (8): 24-31.

• 论文 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on the Theory and Practice of RealTime Energy Control Technology in Supercomputer Systems

JIN Shiyao1,ZHANG Dongsong1,WU Fei2   

  1. (1.National Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Processing,Changsha 410073;
    2.School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
    Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China)
  • Received:2012-04-28 Revised:2012-06-11 Online:2012-08-25 Published:2012-08-25


This paper presents a solution to the systemlevel energysaving program in supercomputer systems, which utilizes the realtime tasks executing the probability of shared computer resources and the safety mechanism to switch on and off the node machines, to achieve load detection statistics and forecasting of supercomputer systems, as well as energysaving safety decisions. The preliminary experiments show that the proposed energy security decisionmaking method can achieve more energy savings, and the effect of energy saving is limited by the specific system model, overhead model and the results of load forecasting.

Key words: supercomputer system;theory of realtime possibility scheduling;energyefficient control of switching on/off system