  • 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊

Current Issue

    • Practice and exploration of “university computer
      foundation” course reform based on computational thinking
      Lv Jie,LI Ying,DU Jing
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 1-5. doi:
      Abstract ( 69 )   PDF (593KB) ( 136 )     
      Computational thinking is one of the basic qualities that contemporary college students should possess, and “university computer foundation” course is an important way to cultivate the computational thinking ability of non-computer majors in colleges and universities. In view of the current situation and existing problems in the teaching of “university computer foundation” course, this paper discusses the reform practice of  “university computer foundation” course in terms of teaching mode, teaching method, experiment and examination, aiming at the cultivation of computational thinking ability.


      Exploration and research on “university computer
      foundation” course teaching for improving students’
       scientific research innovation ability
      ZHANG Xiao-feng
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 6-9. doi:
      Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (360KB) ( 99 )     
      This paper focuses on how to improve students’ information literacy, computational thinking and computer design ability, in order to promote students’ scientific research innovation ability and to provide innovative power for sustainable development of scientific research. Additionally, taking the long-term and stable progressive development of equipment scientific research as a basic goal and relying on subject competition, computer grade examination and open MOOC laboratory platform, we can realize the exploration on training model of practical innovation ability for students at different levels. Through the optimization and reorganization of teaching contents, the transformation from scientific research achievements to teaching achievements can be realized, so that the teaching contents can be equipped with advanced technology and perspective thinking. In sum, the paper is beneficial to improve the students’ computer design ability, enhance the teaching effect of “university computer foundation” course, accelerate the students’ transformation from curriculum-based learning to the combination of curriculum-based learning and scientific research innovation ability, and motivate the students’ scientific research ability.



      Exploration and research on the reform of “computer
      application technology” course in noncommissioned
      officers’  vocational and technical education
      FANG Xu,ZHU Min,LIANG Ji-shen,WANG Bao-qin,YANG Qin
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 10-13. doi:
      Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (405KB) ( 116 )     
      In view of the current situation of computer courses, teaching reform is carried out, including the new compilation of teaching materials, the improvement of teaching mode, the upgrading of supporting environment, the strengthening of the second classroom and so on. The reform is tailored to the characteristics of noncommissioned officers’ vocational and technical education students, and a full range of military situational teaching is carried out, so that the basic disciplines have the reference and practicability of the army. Military cases are as the breakthrough point and through all chapters and modules, and the “simulation task analysis-learning knowledge-decomposition breakthrough-actual combat improvement” action is carried out, so as to effectively enhance the practical ability of the cadets to solve the problems of army work.
      Application and research of immersive classroom
      teaching based on virtual reality technology in 5G networks
      XIE Feng
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 14-17. doi:
      Abstract ( 88 )   PDF (360KB) ( 140 )     
      With the advent of 5G networks, the immersive classroom teaching reform based on virtual reality technology is the essence of classroom teaching reform in colleges and universities in the future. In the traditional classroom teaching, teachers mainly explain the knowledge points and gives some examples to the students. However, as the current technology development is very rapid, it is difficult for the previous teaching to achieve a good effect on the students. The students are bored with the annoying traditional learning methods, so it is hard for them to make progress. This requires teachers to change the classroom teaching. How to use the immersive course teaching based on virtual reality technology in 5G networks to improve students' learning interest and the efficiency of classroom teaching are very important. This paper conducts the application and research of immersive classroom teaching based on virtual reality technology in 5G network, constructs an immersive teaching design model based on virtual reality technology, and performs immersive teaching based on virtual reality technology.
      Teaching in game—Reform and innovation of computer course teaching
      HU Ya-hui1,HU Ya-min2,FANG Qi-qing2
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 18-20. doi:
      Abstract ( 61 )   PDF (416KB) ( 96 )     
      Aiming at the problem of how to arouse students’ learning interest and improve teaching quality in computer course, we adopt the form of teaching in game to stimulate their interest and curiosity, set up problems gradually from shallow to deep, guide students to solve questions one by one, and finally get the solutions to the problems. Our method changes the students’ learning way from passive to active, finally achieving the effect of improving teaching quality.
      Deepening computer course reform and enhancing
       military academy students’ information quality
      YANG Heng-liang
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 21-25. doi:
      Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (442KB) ( 129 )     
      In the new era, with the accelerated development of the modernization and informatization of the army, the army proposes new and higher requirements for the information quality of the soldiers. Military academy students are the fresh force of army construction, and it is particularly important to improve their information quality. Computer course teaching plays an important role in training students’ information quality. This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of computer course teaching in military academies. In order to improve the quality of computer course teaching in military academies and the students’ information quality, this paper proposes a variety of teaching reform methods and strategies, such as the refinement of teaching objectives, the construction of curriculum system, the selection of teaching methods, the innovation of teaching evaluation, and the promotion of various platforms.
      Teaching reform and practice of “Game Programming”
      course under the engineering education idea
      LI Jing
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 26-30. doi:
      Abstract ( 89 )   PDF (811KB) ( 123 )     
      Under the guidance of the engineering education professional certification idea, the “game programming” course is reconstructed. We use results as the driving force, determine the teaching content, optimize the curriculum design, explore the student-centered teaching model, and strengthen the teacher construction, in order to improve the teaching quality and teaching level, improve the students’ innovative spirit and engineering ability, and cultivate qualified talents for the society.
      Research on the syllabus of “university computer
      foundation” course in military academies
      LIU Wan-song,GUO Hui
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 31-34. doi:
      Abstract ( 76 )   PDF (369KB) ( 126 )     
      In 2017, the syllabus of “university computer foundation” course was promulgated. Through the in-depth interpretation of the new syllabus of “university computer foundation” course, the paper grapes the role and status of the course in the personnel training course system, deeply understand the main points of the course content of the new syllabus, highlights the main features and changes of the new syllabus, and accordingly proposes that the future development direction of military colleges and universities in the course construction. The interpretation and research of the new syllabus will help military academies to better carry out the teaching activities according to the syllabus and improve the quality of personnel training.
      Research and practice on the teaching
      model of “virtual reality” course under
      “combination of competition and teaching” mode
      WEI Ju-xia
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 35-38. doi:
      Abstract ( 100 )   PDF (399KB) ( 107 )     
      Taking the game design major of Software Engineering Department at Neusoft Institute Guangdong as an example, this paper integrates the subject competition into the teaching content, studies the integrated teaching mode of “promoting teaching by competition, promoting learning by competition, combining competition with teaching”, stimulates students’ interest in learning, excavates students’ innovative ability, improves students' practical ability and improves personnel training quality.
      A preliminary study on the reform of “university
      computer foundation” course based on students’ characteristics
      HAN Jing-li,XIA Qing,WANG Zhao-li,WANG Mei-juan,HUAN Lei
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 39-42. doi:
      Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (390KB) ( 124 )     
      “University computer foundation” course in military academies is for different types of students in various specialties, and aims at cultivating students’ qualities and abilities to solve problems in the real world using computational science as a tool. In view of the complex composition of students’ learning resources, large differences in computer foundation and different professional needs, it is necessary to explore the course reform based on the characteristics of students more pertinently. This paper discusses the course reform and implementation methods of “university computer foundation” course from two aspects: professional characteristics and basic quality characteristics, with a view to introducing computing as a natural tool to all students of science and engineering.
      Reform and exploration of teaching methods of
      “university computer foundation” course in military academies
      LI Gai-xia,ZHANG Guo-peng,CHANG Xiao-hong,LIU Juan,JIAN Wei-ping
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 43-46. doi:
      Abstract ( 83 )   PDF (566KB) ( 116 )     
      The new syllabus of “university computer foundation” course in military academies requires more knowledge points and a larger knowledge module. Due to the problems of class time and course content arrangement, the problem of disconnection between theory and practice in practical teaching is particularly serious. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the course and the existing teaching methods, the paper introduces the task-driven and project-driven teaching methods and expounds its specific application forms, so as to achieve the connection between the theory and practice.
      Curriculum reform and practice of “university
      computer foundation” course based on
      the integration of learning and competition
      LI Yong-jie,ZHOU gang,XIE Qian
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 47-49. doi:
      Abstract ( 63 )   PDF (381KB) ( 113 )     
      In order to fulfill the requirements of the new syllabus of “university computer foundation” course for the training of students’ practical ability and to coordinate the implementation of curriculum teaching, the curriculum reform and practice based on the integration of learning and competition is carried out. According to the four requirements of the new syllabus for students’ practical ability, four items are set up in the course competition: design of graphic and animation video, data analysis, Python programming and Python geek challenge competition. Meanwhile, the curriculum organization and implementation are explained and how to incorporate the course competition into the course assessment is discussed in detail. The development of curriculum innovation competition is of positive significance to improve students’ self-learning ability, information access ability and practical ability.
      Teaching reform and practice of “web design
      and making” course based on the mode of
      “interactive and guidance learning” in colleges
      HE Ming-hui,LIU Yun-peng
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 50-54. doi:
      Abstract ( 100 )   PDF (679KB) ( 152 )     
      In recent years, there have been more and more practices about hybrid teaching mode, and the interactive classes are popular among college teachers and students. College students’ learning style is changing from passive learning to active learning. However, it is also impractical to attach too much importance to students' learning autonomy and neglect teachers’ guidance in teaching. College teaching should not only pay attention to the interaction between teachers and students, but also pay attention to teachers’ guidance. Therefore, a positive circle of “teachers’ guidance → teacher-student interaction → autonomous learning” is formed.
      Teaching reform of “university computer
      foundation” course  based on 2A3R strategy
      GUO Le-jiang,CHEN Fang-xin,TU Wen-jie,HE Song
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 55-58. doi:
      Abstract ( 56 )   PDF (608KB) ( 131 )     
      Aiming at the current teaching situation of “university computer foundation” course, this paper revolves around the computational thinking and engineering ability, combines the informational teaching methods and platforms, adopts the 2A3R teaching strategy, and integrates basic theory, application principles and practical applications into cases, which optimizes the teaching process. The paper illustrates the key problems and the teaching effect in the teaching process.
      Practical exploration on the reform of “university
      computer foundation” course under the new syllabus
      GUO Fu-liang,ZHOU Gang,LI Yong-jie,CUI Liang-zhong,GUO Hui
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 59-62. doi:
      Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (406KB) ( 110 )     
      Carrying out the comprehensive teaching reform practice of “university computer foundation” course is an important measure to implement the requirements of the new syllabus and do the teaching activities strictly according to the syllabus. The curriculum reform advances comprehensively from top to bottom in five aspects: curriculum teaching objectives, curriculum content, teaching methods, assessment and teaching implementation. It achieves the goal setting of the comprehensive system, innovative and integrated content setting, dynamic and vivid method design, continuous assessment and evaluation throughout the course, and flexible teaching implementation at different levels. Through the two-stage reform practice exploration, it is found that the curriculum reform practice can fully cover the content requirements of the new syllabus, the students put more energy, their assessment results are improved obviously, and their innovation ability is enhanced significantly, so as to achieve the expected goal of reform. It has reference significance for the curriculum reform of other military academies.
      Study and exploration of establishing test-oriented
       English song database and developing its App
      LI Xiao-ting
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 63-66. doi:
      Abstract ( 84 )   PDF (388KB) ( 134 )     
      This paper proposes to use the core vocabulary of English grade test as the basic unit and keywords and find English songs containing these vocabularies through data search, so as to establish the test-oriented English song database and develop the corresponding APP. The contributions of the paper contains the following two points: (1)This APP has great practical effect and fills the English learning gap in the existing mobile phone application market, because most of the existing Apps about English learning focus on memorizing vocabulary and do not pay attention to the cultivation of students’ comprehensive communicative competence.
      (2)It has social benefit and commercial value. Our main research object is to improve the ability of students without English major to pass the Band 4 and 6 College English Test. However, it is widely used for various language level examinations, such as Band 4 and 8 English Test for students with English major, IELTS, TOEFL, and other foreign language examinations. All in all, the establishment of the test-oriented English song database and the development of its corresponding APP have practical value. Its existence not only conforms to the scientific law of second language acquisition, but also fills the blank of the application market, and can bring good social benefit and commercial value.
      Teaching reform and practice of computer basic
      courses combining informationized “teaching,
      learning, management and evaluation” in many ways
      YE Xiao-ying,XIE Yun,WU Rui-ran,SU Kang,LUO Xian-song,ZHANG Tong-yu
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 67-71. doi:
      Abstract ( 88 )   PDF (795KB) ( 102 )     
      With the progress of global science and technology and the rapid development of information technology, the demand of enterprise talents with IT ability is getting higher and higher. In recent years, many universities have carried out the teaching reform of computer basic courses, but they only focus on the construction of teaching resources or the reform of teaching evaluation methods. This paper mainly elaborates the teaching concept of computer basic courses, which combines informationized “teaching, learning, management and evaluation” in many ways. From teachers' teaching, students’ learning, on-line and off-line teaching management, and evaluation involving various evaluation methods, the information-based teaching and management of computer basic courses are realized in an all-round way. Through the practice of the pilot class, it has been proved that the teaching reform of computer basic courses, which integrates information technology into teaching, learning, management and evaluation, not only improves the teaching quality, but also improves the students’ self-learning ability, thus cultivating high-quality information talents in line with the times.
      Research on CDIO teaching of “computer programming”
      course under STEMX educational mode
      LU Ai-chen,TIAN Jia-yuan,ZHANG Ting-yan
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 72-75. doi:
      Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (515KB) ( 113 )     
      According to the strong theoretical and practical characteristics of computer programming, a project-driven CDIO open creative classroom and its practical teaching system are proposed to provide STEMX education model reference for computer programming. In the process of teaching implementation, aiming at students’ professional needs, we reversely design teaching projects, carry out project-driven teaching, and create open and dialogue classrooms. The project-driven teaching method used in engineering practice requires students not only to grasp basic knowledge well, but also to apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned to practice, and to constantly find problems, think about problems and solve problems in programming practice.
      PAD class teaching mode of
      “university computer foundation” course
      ZHAO Yong-mei,AN Li,TUO Ming-fu,ZHANG Xiao-feng,LIU Quan
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 78-80. doi:
      Abstract ( 84 )   PDF (641KB) ( 105 )     
      Since Professor Zhang Xuexin proposed the PAD (Presentation-Assimilation-Discussion) class teaching mode in 2014, many front-line teachers actively carried out the application practice of the PAD class teaching mode, but few researches apply the PAD class teaching mode in “university computer foundation” course. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the PAD class teaching mode and combining the actual situation of the teaching reform in our university, this paper designs a class teaching mode suitable for FCCS course, and gives the concrete implementation method.
      Teaching reform of “MCU principles and interfaces”
      course based on TOPCARES-CDIO mode
      LIN Jin
      2019, 41(增刊S1): 81-84. doi:
      Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (359KB) ( 118 )     
      Based on the TOPCARES-CDIO education concept, aiming at the problems that the teaching objective is disconnected with post requirements, the learning time is allocated unreasonably, and the examination model is single in the traditional teaching mode of “MCU principles and interfaces”, this paper explores the teaching reform based on TOPCARES-CDIO from knowledge structure, teaching content, teaching methods and evaluation, in order to train outstanding MCU engineers with all-round capabilities for the society.