  • 中国计算机学会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 中文核心期刊

Current Issue

    • Course design of network operating systems
      and the application of BOPPPS model
      LI Shanshan,CHEN Liqian,CAO Yuan,WEN Yanjun,LUO Yu,WANG Zhiyuan
      2016, 38(增刊): 1-6. doi:
      Abstract ( 89 )   PDF (661KB) ( 296 )     

      Network operating systems is an optional course for graduates, which enables students to understand and master new operating system technologies in network environments. The course combines the network operating system and the traditional operating system, and takes key technologies as the main course contents. Students can understand the basic principles and the cuttingedge developments of operating systems through teachers instructions and lectures, students reports and practice projects. Additionally, the ability to solve practical problems is enhanced as well. The course applies the BOPPPS model to the curriculum design, including curriculum introduction, course objective setting, preevaluation, participatory learning, postevaluation and course summary. These six steps fully inspire students enthusiasm for learning, and effectively enhance teaching effectiveness.

      An experiment teaching method of network programming
      LIU Yan,CHANG Bin,CHEN Jing,LIU Yong
      2016, 38(增刊): 7-11. doi:
      Abstract ( 70 )   PDF (409KB) ( 250 )      Review attachment

      According to the specific characteristics and curriculum of the course of network programming, we propose an experiment teaching method based on course content analysis and teaching practice summarization,, which includes continuous basic experiments, modified expansion experiments and projectbased comprehensive experiments. The motivation is to define and identify teaching requirements, enrich teaching contents, and increase the teaching  applicability for different levels of undergraduates. As a result, our reform method can improve the students’ interests in learning network programming and enhance their problemsolving abilities.  

      Individualized teaching to meet
      students’ diversified requirements
      ZHANG Ruili,YANG Yanming,ZHENG Haiyan
      2016, 38(增刊): 12-16. doi:
      Abstract ( 105 )   PDF (710KB) ( 217 )      Review attachment

      We put forward strategies to build high quality individualized teaching  through theory and empirical study. We reveal the relationship between diverse learning needs of students and individualized teaching, we combine students’ characteristics with individualized teaching, and find a new starting point for the reform. This is beneficial for promoting military post educational reform.

      A hierarchical teaching plan
      for computer program design basis
      ZHANG Hongmei,JIA Shaohua,XIE Peng
      2016, 38(增刊): 17-20. doi:
      Abstract ( 71 )   PDF (438KB) ( 234 )      Review attachment

      Based on the actual situation of basic computer programming courses in Air Force Engineering University, we introduce a  hierarchical teaching plan for program design courses, and propose some suggestions to solve the  problems existing in the current plan, which is also an attempt to further improve the computer grading teaching reform, and strengthen the cultivation of elite talents.

      Case design and application for
      teaching the concept of distributed system
      HE Hongjun
      2016, 38(增刊): 21-24. doi:
      Abstract ( 88 )   PDF (911KB) ( 248 )      Review attachment

       There is not a generally accepted definition for distributed system, and there is much difference among various versions of this concept, which therefore brings students difficulty for  understanding and grasping the nature of distributed system. Distribution and collaboration are the fundamental characteristics of a distributed system. Several cases are designed to promote students’ understanding of the nature of distributed systems via class discussion. The discussion achieves good results in the teaching practice of distributed system.

      Construction of storage data reverse
      analysis and electronic forensics laboratory
      LIU Tieming,ZHANG Youwei,ZENG Yun,ZHU Xiaoqing,SI Binbin
      2016, 38(增刊): 25-28. doi:
      Abstract ( 75 )   PDF (563KB) ( 102 )      Review attachment

      Combining the practical demands of teaching and scientific reasearch for teachers in universities, we discuss the necessity of constructing a laboratory of storage data reverse analysis and electronic forensics. After analyzing and characterizing the laboratory's structure and function position, we then discuss the contents and characteristics of the laboratory construction in detail, and propose some solutions to the potential problems in the process of construction.

      An instructional design of programming
      courses based on classroom regression
      YANG Wenjing1,2,XU Xinhai1,2
      2016, 38(增刊): 29-33. doi:
      Abstract ( 60 )   PDF (436KB) ( 234 )      Review attachment

      At present, programming and related courses focus on practice. However, some teachers pay attention to practice and ignore the importance of classroom education. We believe that classroom education is the foundation of university education, which cannot be replaced by extracurricular practice. It is important and obligatory for all university teachers to study how to let students learn knowledge effectively through classroom teaching. We take a computer programming course as an example, analyze the essence of classroom education from perspectives of knowledge system, knowledge boundary, teaching logic, teaching skills, the original thinking and the ability to use, and demonstrate the outcomes of the instructional design based on classroom regression through a programming course case.

      Independent learning ability cultivation   and
      innovative teaching mode of basic computer courses
      XING Cuifang,HAN Qinglong,YANG Mei
      2016, 38(增刊): 34-37. doi:
      Abstract ( 73 )   PDF (440KB) ( 240 )      Review attachment

      On the basis of analyzing the current teaching situation of basic computer courses, we propose a diversified teaching mode focusing on independent learning ability. The mode mainly consists of teaching pattern exploration, taskdriven mode, flip classroom model and diversified  evaluation methods. We describe the specific implementation process, key operating points and implementation effect in detail.

      Teaching strategies of  C language
      programming in military academies
      ZHOU Jun1,DONG Tianping1,LI Weidong2,LUO Lin1,ZHAO Ruihua1
      2016, 38(增刊): 38-42. doi:
      Abstract ( 62 )   PDF (833KB) ( 198 )      Review attachment

      C Language Programming is a basic computer programming course for students in military academies. A key concern for most computer teachers is how to optimize teaching strategies. Based on the teaching process of preparation and implementation, we first point out the problems in teaching C language programming. Then, we propose corresponding countermeasures to solve these problems, including a combination of various teaching methods to fully enhance students’ learning enthusiasm. Finally, we depict the positive role of these teaching strategies in improving the course quality.

      Exploration of online teaching in military colleges
      CUI Liangzhong,LI Yongjie,GUO Fuliang,ZHOU Gang,LIANG Yingjie
      2016, 38(增刊): 43-45. doi:
      Abstract ( 71 )   PDF (360KB) ( 203 )      Review attachment

      As typical representatives of online teaching, MOOC and SPOC are hot topics in the research field of teaching reforms in universities. We discuss how military colleges and universities develop online teaching reforms  and put forward some insights regarding this aspect.

      Teaching practice based on Lan Qiao Cup contest
      ZHU Xiaoqing,LIU Tieming,ZENG Yun,LIU Chunling,SI Binbin
      2016, 38(增刊): 46-49. doi:
      Abstract ( 99 )   PDF (428KB) ( 286 )      Review attachment

      Computer programming ability is a basic skill for students doing scientific research and engineering practice. The national Lan Qiao Cub Software Design Contest plays an important role in training students’ computer programming ability and inspiring their creative abilities. It also provides a good practice platform for personnel training. We sum up the contest entries, training and service  in recent years, and propose several measures to avoid certain problems.

      Programming style training in programming teaching
      CHEN Liqian,LI Shanshan,YE Changchun
      2016, 38(增刊): 50-54. doi:
      Abstract ( 50 )   PDF (570KB) ( 266 )      Review attachment

      The course of computer programming becomes one of the fundamental courses for undergraduate students and those who do not major in computer science. When the course is completed, however, many students’ practical programming abilities are still poor, and the quality of their codes is low.This paper focuses on one of the reasons, that is, the students do not possess a good programming style.We present the importance of training a good programming style and how to help students to improve their programming styles in the course of teaching.

      Micro course case design of computer program design
      ZHAO Haibing,LI Ying,XING Cuifang,L Jie
      2016, 38(增刊): 55-57. doi:
      Abstract ( 65 )   PDF (377KB) ( 277 )      Review attachment

      Micro course is one of the most important information carriers among a lot of new teaching methods, such as the flipped classroom and MOOCs. It is reported that micro course has become a research hotspot as a teaching method. It is meaningful to apply micro course to computer course teaching. According to the characteristics of computer courses, we review the origin and development of micro courses, and put forward the design procedures and case analysis, which are appropriate for the micro course of computer program design.

      Teaching practice and exploration of compiler principles
      HUANG Haijun,WANG Yourui,Hu Ronggui
      2016, 38(增刊): 58-60. doi:
      Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (353KB) ( 243 )      Review attachment

      By investigating the experimental setup for compiler courses, we employ MiniJava language, which is objectoriented with modern language structures, to solve problems in teaching practice. We make an instructional design stepbystep and carry out experiments in this course, which achieves good results.

      Special value of the teaching contents of iterative
      methods in the course of computer program design
      WANG Tong,CHAO Ainong,JIA Shaohua
      2016, 38(增刊): 61-64. doi:
      Abstract ( 65 )   PDF (399KB) ( 264 )      Review attachment

      The course of computer program design plays a very important role in cultivating students’ engineering ability. In order to solve the practical problems in this course, we analyze three common iterative methods and their special value in the cultivation of students’ engineering consciousness,and explore the key directions of “the five outstanding” curriculum reform.

      Several methods to improve the teaching effect
      of the course of assembly language
      ZENG Yun,ZHANG Youwei,LIU Tieming,ZHU Xiaoqing,LIU Chunling
      2016, 38(增刊): 65-67. doi:
      Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (351KB) ( 209 )      Review attachment

      Based on the teaching practice of assembly language courses in many years, we propose and summarize some methods to improve the teaching effect of the course of Assembly Language from the following four aspects: interactions of  computer basic knowledge, comparison among advanced languages, avoiding overemphasis on grammar details and strengthening practical application. Teaching practice show that our proposal makes the courses easier to learn, and improves students’ ability  in using assembly language to develop programs effectively, thus achieving better teaching results.

      Application of BOPPPS model in the classroom
      teaching of signal analysis and processing
      WANG Zhiyuan,ZHOU Yun,PENG Xuefeng,YANG Wenjing,CHEN Wei,TANG Yuhua,CHEN Juan
      2016, 38(增刊): 68-71. doi:
      Abstract ( 91 )   PDF (380KB) ( 236 )      Review attachment

      The BOPPPS is a model for designing classroom teaching based on education  cognitive theory. We introduce the BOPPPS model into the classroom teaching of Signal Analysis and Processing. According to the curriculum characteristics and the existing problems, the BOPPPS model is applied, where a minilesson of “timefrequency compression” is proposed as a design example. The minilesson teaching results show that students can better understand and master knowledge points by using flexible and reallife related teaching skills, which significantly inspires students' learning interests and participatory learning.

      Practical teaching of combat cases
      in university computer basic courses
      DU Jing,LI Ying,WANG Fengqin,ZHANG Yanhong
      2016, 38(增刊): 72-75. doi:
      Abstract ( 77 )   PDF (399KB) ( 254 )      Review attachment

      The goal to build an informatization army and win informatization wars requires all university computer basic courses emphasizing practical combat cases teaching. Combining with teaching experience, we propose a case teaching method including problem leadin, subject research, case analysis, deduction and demonstration. We present a list of all knowledge modules and teaching objectives, and demonstrate the teaching steps of key modules in great detail. We provide a method and shed some light on computer basic course teaching in military academies.

      Assessment of computer courses in military academies
      CHEN Zhiliang,LUO Jianlu,TANG Yaling
      2016, 38(增刊): 76-79. doi:
      Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (404KB) ( 100 )      Review attachment

      To deepen the assessment of computer courses in military academies is to guarantee the quality of teaching, and improve the quality of military personnel in military academies. In this paper, we analyze some problems in computer science curriculum and provide some suggestions on the assessment approaches accordingly.

      Discussion on teaching Cambodian military
      teachers  professional computer courses
      WANG Xiuzhen,DAI Zongyou,PEI Bin,CHEN Ping,WANG Qunshan
      2016, 38(增刊): 80-84. doi:
      Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (454KB) ( 270 )      Review attachment

      I have been  taking the task of training Cambodian military computer teachers  in recent years. It turns out there are many new problems in the teaching process. How to carry out the teaching of foreign military computer professional effectively is an urgent need. In this paper, starting from the characteristics of Cambodian instructors and computer professional, we propose some advice for the teaching standardization of foreign military teachers, hoping to provide reference for improving teaching effect.